Work Package 3:
Pedagogical Innovations in Aquaculture from Rongo University
Pedagogical teaching enhancement and methods

Rongo University is setting new benchmarks in aquaculture education with its visionary approach to pedagogy, encapsulated in Work Package 3 of the AQUADEVBUS project. By pioneering Multi-competence Learning (MCL) strategies (D3.1) and integrating them into the Kenyan aquaculture curriculum, the university is revolutionizing how students engage with and comprehend the complexities of aquaculture. This pedagogical innovation aims to cultivate a well-rounded understanding, preparing students for the multifaceted challenges of the industry.

The efforts extend beyond traditional classroom boundaries, with Rongo University spearheading the creation of learner groups and community-based projects (D3.2). These initiatives offer practical, real-world experience, bridging theoretical knowledge with hands-on application. The university’s commitment to fostering a vibrant learning community is further demonstrated through the organization of competitions (D3.3) at both local and international levels, providing platforms for students to showcase their innovations and learn from their peers globally.

The introduction of digital tools and multimedia into the learning process (D3.4) marks a significant leap forward, embracing technology to enhance educational delivery. This approach not only makes learning more accessible and engaging but also aligns with the digital nature of modern aquaculture practices. Training schedules and reports (D3.5) ensure structured learning pathways, while various reports (D3.6) on workshops, team compositions, and training outcomes offer insights into the program’s effectiveness and areas for improvement.

With the first cohort of students embarking on this enhanced aquaculture course (D3.7), Rongo University is at the forefront of shaping future leaders in the sector. These pedagogical advancements underscore the institution’s dedication to creating an educational experience that is both enriching and practical. Through its innovative approaches, Rongo University is not just teaching aquaculture; it is inspiring a new generation to think critically, innovate, and contribute meaningfully to the sustainability and growth of the industry.