Turku University of Applied Sciences
Turku University of Applied Sciences
Country: Finland

Turku UAS is a higher education institution of 13,000 experts, researchers, students, faculty members and teaching professionals. We create solutions for a better tomorrow – both regionally and globally. Our graduates are practice-oriented professionals with top competencies. 

As a significant regional actor, we harbour close ties to businesses and municipalities in Southwest Finland. Turku UAS is the fourth largest technical university in Finland. Students are sought after experts, with 99 % employment within five years of graduating.

Key figures 2022

  • over 12,000 degree programme students in the fields of
    • Technology, Communications and Transport
    • Health Care and Social Services
    • Business and Administration
    • Arts and Culture
  • 711 person-work years
  • over 1000 publications 
  • 31 research groups
  • over 214 ongoing or completed RDI projects
  • 13,4 % of turnover external funding for RDI
  • 300 exchange universities in 50 countries
  • 20 double degree agreements with international partner universities
  • annually hundreds of outgoing and incoming exchange students
  • International semester already established in every degree programme to enable 60 ECTS student exchange
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