Work Package 4:
Digital Twins: Revolutionizing Aquaculture Education with Turku University of Applied Sciences
value chain and economic engineering in aquaculture

Turku University of Applied Sciences pioneers the fusion of digital twins technology with aquaculture education, charting a new course in the pedagogical landscape through its leadership in Work Package 4. The initiative begins with the establishment of educational profiles (D4.1) that tailor the learning experience to the nuanced needs of aquaculture students and professionals, laying the foundation for a curriculum that is both comprehensive and forward-thinking.

The development and launch of a digital twins educational platform (D4.3) stand as a cornerstone of Turku University’s efforts, offering an immersive learning environment that simulates real-world aquaculture scenarios. This innovative approach enables students to experiment with aquaculture models in a virtual space, fostering a deeper understanding of complex systems and processes through interactive and engaging means.

Rigorous testing of the produced aquaculture material (D4.4) ensures the reliability and effectiveness of these digital tools, with the aim of enhancing both the quality and accessibility of education. The culmination of these efforts is documented in the final report on educational materials (D4.5), which not only assesses the impact of these initiatives but also sets the stage for future developments in the field.

By integrating digital twins technology into its curriculum, Turku University of Applied Sciences is not merely adapting to technological advancements; it is actively redefining the educational landscape in aquaculture. This approach merges traditional academic rigor with the cutting-edge digital tools, preparing students to navigate and contribute to the aquaculture industry with a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical, technological skills. Turku University’s work marks a significant leap towards innovative aquaculture education, envisioning an ecosystem where learners are equipped to meet the challenges of the future with creativity, critical thinking, and technological prowess.

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